September 28, 2010

Some Things Never Change

Some things never change. I am surprised at how we can move halfway around the world and it doesn't throw these guys for a loop. Tate, who I thought would have the hardest time with the move, has actually done surprisingly well.  Right now he is in to dress ups, he wants to be a pirate or Batman every day of his life. I am not sure what part of the leopard skin hat reminds him of pirates but it really adds a nice flare.
It is melting hot here and the dude will wear this morning, noon and night...fortunately the cape and mask do not fit over his head. We have to rehydrate him often!
Good Day Mate! Syd ready to go for it. You know, it is probably best that our neighbors don't come out, I am not sure how they would feel about living next to the "A Team"!

 That leaves me with KOO, KOO KATCHOO! Baring a little skin. She is our Emmy and when she is screaming at the top of her little girl lungs and I get all of "the looks" I just want to say..."Hey this is totally normal!"
In many ways, I feel like it has been harder for Trent and I to adjust than the kids. I am amazed  that being stared at, touched, and dripping with sweat doesn't seem to effect them. They are 100% kids no matter where we live.


  1. Love, love, love this. How true it is - kids never seem to be fazed and adults are all stressed out. Sometimes - well alot of the time actually - I wish I could be more like a kid!!!

  2. I LOVE YOUR BABIES! I miss you guys too much!
