September 18, 2010


If you wonder what I do for my "American Fix" you can usually bet that I am walking the Isles of S&R. I am not sure but I think this is some how connected to Costco? I have found a few products with the"Kirkland" label on it. I can not tell you how this place makes me smile. One day I sat down on a pallet of Diet A&W, all the while hugging a bottle of Tide, kissing a bottle of Log Cabin Syrup and getting teary eyed over a jar of Skippy. Never mind the price....these items go home with me often.  I am pretty sure I do not need any more syrup or Tide but it just makes me so darn happy to see a few familiar items. 
The down side, I have not found a grocery store including S&R that smells....normal. And I am pretty sure that Costco in America would not dare have a "fresh fish bar" similar to this, unless of course they were ailing to be shut down by the health services. Aside from the bizarre smell and cost of American products this place rocks! They had a huge sale this weekend and I would say the check out lines rivaled with that of my Deer Field Costco in Ohio. 
Me, Emmy and Joan taking on the Asians.


  1. Looove it!! They seriously don't understand personal space! I am so excited to see the name change...I've been patiently waiting!!

  2. I too love the new name...and the picture...AMAZING!
    Emmy is looking verrrry happy to be at the store with you and Joan. Love your posts!
