September 24, 2010

Part Timers

 Warning: This one is a little thick! Don't be jealous....I live in a third world country, my friend count is still at 0, and I have had to face the cold, hard, truth their is NO Diet MD.

You know how I mentioned I would share our "staff" with you? I feel like I need to be completely honest about a few things...this may sound a bit extreme,over the top, even unnecessary but I am fairly certain if you were living with the "Vanilla's" you would totally be on board.  I went from being a little embarrassed about someone else washing my dirty "Sweet, you think you could add a little more starch" and "I like my creases like so" and blah, blah, blah. I think it took me about a week to get over being uncomfortable. In fact, at week two I looked at Trent with a sheepish smile and said "How many times are we going to live in the Philippines? Can we hire another helper?"
Can I get a drum roll for Norma? She comes one day a week and does a few of those extra deep clean things and also does Trent's ironing (imagine choir of angels singing in the background). She speaks minimal English, weighs as much as Sydney, always has a smile and knows how to do a super fly cleaning job. Norma is married to one of our guards (Jonathon to be posted later). They have two children that they have not seen in a couple of months a 10 year old and a 5 year old. It is totally common for parents to both work and not see their kids for months at a time. Kind of sad. So here is the cute NORMA-NATOR!
Tate LOVES Norma and when she comes he has a smile like this all day.
I am also including a picture of Vince our relief guard he only works two days a week. I do not have too much to say about him because he is fairly quiet and kind of acts serious...which equals two strikes for me. I made more of an effort to get to know him this week and he actually is a nice guy. He is married with no children and he likes to paint his toe nails black...weird or"special"?


  1. dude you are living the life. stupid arizona and our crap house - we should have moved to the phillippines with you. but we would need a clever name like the vanillas... how about hazelnut manila? lol.
    the other day walter said, "Mom, I love Grammy more than you. But not more than Sydney." awwww... true love.

  2. I think it is great that you have all this help! Live it up-because once you come back to the states-I am guessing you will be helpless:) Love your posts-keep them coming!!

  3. I fully realize the good comes with the bad - but seriously - next year I'm coming over with all three of my kids to hang with you for the WHOLE summer - so they can be "Joan" - ised and "Norma" - natored. Pool every day and chasing lizard while I hang with you. Miss you tons!
