September 6, 2010

And The Winner is.....

The English Branch
Which is only a short 40 minute drive from where we live (that is on a good day).  After struggling for a month on where we should attend church, I think we both feel like it would be the most helpful if we could all understand what was being said. Attending the local ward has really made me appreciate that we have an English speaking branch as an option.  Most of the members are expats, so it has a great melting pot feel to it.
Sundays are kind of our all day adventure! Picnic in the car, Trent driving us (he loves the Filipino style of driving a little too much) and a nice nappy time on our way home. I know that our "Sunday" situation could be a lot worse so we will learn to be grateful!
Makati Ward building


  1. I love hearing about all of your experiences...and I so wish we could move there too!! Maybe one day I will make it back there. I have a good friend who is in the Makati 3rd ward. Her name is Claire Tia. If you ever want a friend to hang out with, I can get you her #. She is great. I always wanted her to marry one of my brothers, but my only single brother now is Chris-and he is a bit young for her. And, I am somewhat involved with an organization that does humanitarian work for children's education in the Philippines and they are going to be distributing school supplies/kits in October. If you are interested in seeing what they do, I can connect you with them. The president of the organization is American and used to be the director for UNICEF in the Philippines. He is retired now and lives in Idaho, but still travels to the Philippines a couple of times a year. (Ok, I feel like I'm making this more of an email than a comment).

  2. From our conversation, I think you made a good choice! Hey, have you seen "the kitchen" yet? I KNOW you have time to comment! :)
