October 30, 2010


Pirates of the Palms!

The Palms Country Club put on a SWEET pirate party. Everything about it was over the top and a little extra! When we arrived they gave us our treasure map and a bag to collect our "loot". We went on a treasure hunt through out the club.  The kids favorite was digging for "pesos" in the sand bar. 

Syd rocked "pirate chick", Tate bore a little skin and the crowd went crazy (I think they might just be in love with American boys and it wouldn't matter what he was wearing.) Emmy was her busy, cute self but we wised up and brought the Norma-nator along. I love this country.

Good news of the night...no bribing the treats away from the kids this year.  A couple attempts at trying their treats and the loot was left for the helpers!


  1. Sweet Costumes J-Dog. I love having a theme - makes coming up with a costume idea a bit easier - man did you do good!! Love the photos and looks like the kiddos had a fabulous time.

  2. I love Trent's flamin' swim shorts. You all look so cute. Miss you, but I love the pictures! Keep them coming!

  3. If only our candy could be so yucky! Your costumes are perfect...you make very cute pirates!

  4. You guys all look awesome! I thought Syd was Tate for a minute, I'm glad you had a fun first Halloween!
