October 29, 2010

Beach'n It

Subic Bay (Camayan Beach Resort)

 There are a few reasons I love these quick beach getaways....

1. The kids are so darn happy! Something so easy, like the anticipation of a wave hitting the shore makes them scream with delight!
2. No hurry! It is such a great relaxing family activity, even our fireball Emmy can't do too much damage while at the beach.
3.  Our road trips to the beach usually bring something out of the ordinary. This trip, it was feeding monkeys from our car.
4. Wow! Besides the beautiful beaches there is amazing scenery.


  1. Cool family picture!! You could use that as your blog shot if Trent wasn't doing the potty crouch. I love the scenery. Utah would be perfect if it only had a beach. Ahhhh..... Looks like good times!

  2. What a great family photo! I love it....and the background is beautiful! Syd looks so grown up all of the sudden. Great job for taking advantage of all these fun adventures.
