August 30, 2010

Puto and Preschool

A lot of people have asked me how Tate is adjusting to preschool? I am surprised because it is kind of long day for a little guy (three hours every day). He is loving it! Last week he made puto, sounds like (Poo-Toe) steamed rice cakes. I tried it and it tasted like muffin butter...not bad! He was so proud of his cooking day. I usually hang out with him for a few minutes before taking off and I noticed that a few of the four year olds were reading and writing! It made me wonder if Sydney is getting her lunch kicked at Kindergarten. Some one told me here, that Asians in general, believe in teaching their children at a young age also intense to get them ahead (they graduate earlier here, like 16). In the US, you get your education over a longer period of time. I can see the advantage of both styles, all though the pride in me wants to stand up and shout "ALL HALE TO YOU OUR PG HIGH!"
Tate eating his puto
 I am learning that the Filipinos know how to throw a party. Tate was invited to a birthday party that was held during class. The birthday boy wanted a bus ride and so that is just what he got! His Mom and Dad rented a tour bus and took all six kids and yayas (helpers) on a bus ride through our village. Tate has been on cloud nine for a week. I don't really want to "keep up with the Jones" but I think I might have to order a baby elephant to top this!


  1. That is a cute picture, Tate looks so happy.

  2. Tate looks like he won the lottery! Let the other kids do the big parties- I don't think he cares if it's his or not! AMAZING that they did that.
