August 22, 2010

Manila Ocean Park

A friend told me we would always be saying or thinking "This would never fly in the good ole' USA!" and it is true, I think that at least a few hundred times a day. Especially when we visited the Manila Aquarium, it was awesome but I did wonder if my kids were going to witness a human tragedy when the scuba diver fed the fish. It was a feeding frenzy extravaganza!  The scuba man was cute, he was so busy waving to Tate that I thought "Dude, watch out for the over sized eel, and look that giant grouper is going to take off your left arm" I was panicked, I felt like shouting "You are shark bait for sure pal, GET OUT!" Good news, no Filipino tragedy and we all enjoyed our first real family outing in Manila.

 This really does exist....
 I could not talk Sydney in to getting her piggies nibbled on with me, maybe next time. 

You would think our kids were rock stars here or a science experiment due to the amount of people touching their blond hair or asking for a picture with/or of them. I think our kids are to young to even realize that it is not normal to have strangers petting your hair or snapping photos. These ladies asked if they could take a picture with the Blondie's.

I would chalk our day up for a successful outing. We had a great time and would definitely do this again!


  1. That was a funny post, I love the last picture, I thought those ladies were your maids at first.

  2. Ok, so I am totally into your blog....and LOVE reading your reactions to the situations you are in. Eric's brother just got back from living in Japan for three years, and some of your experiences are very similar to them. Oh, and the fish are cleaning the dead skin off your feet-right?? The people wanting to take a picture with you, very common-I guess we blondies are quite a site:) Oh, and if your kids are in for some money, you probably could get your kids into modeling-that is what Eric's brother did with his two kids. Apparantly they like our look??? I love how you are taking this NEW experience in such a positive light. Are you confused which Sarah this is?? Think the color Brown.... Keep up the writing, I am into your adventures!

  3. can i just say...

    I. LOVE. YOU.

    no one makes me laugh as much as you my friend. i love your adventures...keep them coming for all of us that lead a boring life! o.k., i can't believe sydney is in kindergarten--where did that time go? connorton will be starting middle school and that makes me throw up in my mouth every time i think about it. he loves the ladies which is ultra scary. i hope i make it through these pubescent, hormonal years without killing one of them...aaahh the joys! no, really they're good kids and i love them. i'm writing you like this is an email, not a comment--sorry! i DO love you!



  4. Ok the fish nibbling on feet really creeped me out! There is no way I could do that.
    Love your blog... Love you! Miss you guys like crazy!
