August 16, 2010

Kindergarten Baby!

My Syd started Kindergarten four days after we arrived to the Philippines, not even enough time to get over the jet lag. I have been surprised with how well the kids are doing with this, especially Sydney. She gets on the bus every morning at 7:00 am and gets home around 3:20 pm.  I keep asking her if she is tired after her long days, but she just says "Mommmm.... NO, I LOVE IT! I kind of hope she just wants too give up on the whole school thing and chill out at home with me. I think she must be a little tired because when she comes home her pigtails are not so perky and she kind of has that glazed over look in her eyes. I am loving her school stories, "Mom, the kids eat with sticks and they always want to eat rice, oh and I sit by Haun Yaung on the bus and he told me we could already buy Toy Story Three." (sweet, she is already hearing about all the pirated goods in East Asia).

First day at Brent International

Syd is on the bus for 55 minutes one way. I wonder if a day will pass by that I do not wonder if I really just put my Syd on a big bus in a third world country? I give myself little pep talks about how good this is for her and me, sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't.
Me and Syd at her interview

Sydney is coming up on her first two weeks; I am starting to see that she has quickly settled in to a nice routine and it makes me happy to see her so happy. We pack her a lunch everyday (okay, Joan does), I take all three of the kids to the bus stop with me. I think that most of the people dropping off the kids are helpers not parents. We are for sure the only whities at the bus stop and they look at us like we are a patch of snow in a Arizona dessert. When she gets home, she kisses all over Tate and Emmy, jumps in her swim suit and swims for an hour or so has a quick snack and does it all over again the next day. Sydney gets the rock star sticker for sure. She has made the move easy with her willingness to jump right in and not being afraid of all of the new things coming her way. Happy Kindergarten Syd!


  1. Little Syd looks oh so grown up! I am so proud of her. Love the pictures...and the stories!

  2. Those are the cutest pictures, she looks so grown up in uniform.

  3. I love hearing about all of your adventurers - you are one tough momma. I know it must be hard, but I am jealous at the same time :-). Check out our blog to see some pics of Zoe at the Reds game in the cute outfit you gave her - thanks again for that!

  4. She is just the cutest! I love the little uniforms, and you are so brave to be able to send her off on that big tour bus! What a cool experience for her!

  5. So cute in her uniform. Props to you for sending your first out into the big world. That's where all the real cultural experiences happen. I live vicariously through the kids school stories too and definately get a glimpse into real Spanish life. Sydney is awesome. Maybe it's the oldest child syndrome, but Gavin was the same, eager to get into it. Our first Sunday at church (all Spanish), Addie looked at Brett with a bit of horror and said "we're not staying here, right?" Gavin on the other hand got up after Sacrament and said, "where's my class?"
