August 14, 2010


Our Filipino ward building
Testing, Testing...One, Two, Three! I have never wanted to be a member of the church that shops for that "perfect ward" but I might have to test the waters a bit. We experienced our first Filipino ward and for lack of a better word, CRAZY! Not so much for them, but for us.  
The first meeting is Primary then Sunday school with Sacrament meeting held last. I attended Primary with the kids(to kind of help them break the ice). Everything was good, we even got a really 
  jazzy version of,"Hello-Hello-We Welcome You This Day" I got the big time giggles and my kids got the big time scare of their life, I think I might still have finger nail marks in my legs. They really did give us a very warm welcome. I was impressed that our kids were not even too phased with the fact that most of Primary was in Tagalog, then again, they may still have had a little shell shock from the warm greeting. 
My favorite part for sure, was hearing the children sing the primary songs. It is such a quick way to feel the spirit and for a few minutes, life felt familiar.  I was shocked with how little they have   
(no pictures, props, piano) and yet those extra things do not  make the difference of being able to feel the comfort of the spirit.  I would say over all, it was a successful hour other than, no nursery for Emmy and that most of it was in a different language and maybe a few minor culture differences (which could make a funny blog by itself) everyone was happy. It made me realize that I am going to have to be more diligent in teaching gospel principles at home. By the time the third hour was finished I was looking at Trent like "What are we going to do? "Which brings me to option two- the English branch....Tomorrow.


  1. I love Tates face in that picture. Hopefully the English ward goes a little better. Good luck!

  2. Love, love love it! What a cute family. Love you all...Guess you are not the"Buck Eye Babies" anymore. Waiting to hear what the new name will be now that you are in the Phillipines!

  3. you guys are so awesome and BRAVE! i hope the english ward goes better!

  4. Your church looks like a temple from the outside. I can't wait to hear more of your adventures. We love and miss you.

  5. You can do it!!can't wait to hear more about it....especially when you get your first calling:)
