August 17, 2010


These are just some random pictures of our flight over and us getting settled. I have been really lame at snapping photos, maybe it is the culture shock or the heat. I am recommitting to pulling out my camera and to start snapping because their are so many good blogging opportunities here.  I feel like my jaw is constantly dropped and I am either laughing or cyring (I am sure it helps with the stares that are coming my way).
SLC Airport just minutes before our "peaceful" flight.   

I am sure that the fine people in business class rolled their eyes more than a few times at us. Syd and Tate seemed to manage fine....this one on the right, not so much.  The  best advice that was given was to take her car seat. I hope we can find away to strap her in it until she is 12. out of our 16 hour flight she slept for about 3 hours (painful)!

This picture says it all...HOT & MUGGY! This is us and a few belongings outside the Manila Airport. I am pretty sure that I have never smelled smells like that in my life (a mixture of pee,pee and bad cabbage?)   

These next few are just random shots of what you see everyday here. I am shocked at what day to day life is for these people and it is a constant reminder to me and the kids to be happy for what we have.


  1. Love it! I don't know how you guys survived that plane ride....crazy! I wish I could be there to hear you laugh and your running commentary on this life experience......oh, and your hair looks fabulous by the way:) Hope you can find a good highlight lady over there:) p.s. email my your phone #....I am going to see if I can call on my international plan.

  2. Take tons of pictures now! In six months it'll all seem normal and you won't remember what was so weird about the place. I always thought "oooh, gotta remember my camera next time", but never did. Now I can't remember what was so appauling or different. I mean, cow tongue is available at your local Kroger and grown men drop their drawers to pee off a sidewalk in the US, right?
