October 30, 2011

Farley Weekend

The kids that I love as much as my own....
We kicked off  our weekend with a Uncle Trent four wheeler ride!

Except for this pretty girl, she had bigger 
fish to fry than hanging with her Auntie.

This is the crew heading for the cutest Halloween train ride 
ever. The kids loved it....

 Except Em...

Me with my train conductor hat.

Honestly, this was the cutest family activity. Lindon has
such a great small town feel with great family values.
Sure, were not feeding tigers from our car window, or diving
with whale sharks but we are loving the family time, even if it means
eating suckers on a train with seats too small for our hips!

We got the traditional Papa Murpheys pumpkin pizza,
drank a few cream sodas and carved out Jack O' lanterns.

Having the Farleys made it a whole lot more exciting!

Little Hen could hardly handle all of the fun 
and crashed on our floor....

While Hen snoozed, we finished our pumpkin art.

I love these Farley boys.
we stayed up and played a serious game of Clue.
even though Char way messed up on the whole,
in what room and with what weapon, I would play with him 
any day of the week.

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