November 10, 2010

Dump Sight School

Wow, where do I start? I apologize for the length of this post but I  have never really seen anything quite like this in my life. I guess I could say that about a lot of things here in the Philippines but this has definitely been one of the most life changing for me. We were able to go to a "dump sight"school that is in a little town not too far from our village.  Basically, the school has been built up on an old garbage dump sight.
A remarkable Filipino woman runs the school and with the help from different charities  has made it possible for some of these kids to attend the school. When Mairium (Filipino director) opened this school only three children attended. The school is free and the only obligation is the parents have to comitt to attend a "values" class, which teaches the parents responsibility, moral values,etc. A lot of the parents are scavenging on the dump sight for recyclables that they might be able to turn in for pesos or  they are hard alcoholics that are unaware of their children. Most, maybe all of the parents are illiterate and are trying to get by on little or nothing.  Mairium, with the help from  the "expat charity", offered to feed the children lunch daily the number of children increased from three to fifteen. And now their are so many that want to come but due to space and funds have been turned away.  For many of these children it is the only meal they will get all day. Mairium said that they have to feed the children first thing in the morning because their last meal was the day before at school.
The pictures I have attached are of the students and some are of the  kids outside who's parents will not or cannot  support them.  Mairium is trying to help as many children as she possibly can with what resources she has available. It was pretty heart wrenching to witness, the kids are dirty but darling! We were asked to help the kids by coming and spending any of our time that we can spare, reading,writing, bathing etc.
Marium asked if when we come, that we could not only help the kids in the school but those that are homeless out front as well. She suggested we bring nail clippers,  a wet and dry wash cloths, shampoo and any extra school supplies. We can bring food but she advised to not give them any until they have put forth an effort in learning.  I felt like I was in the middle of a National Geographic Special or an exclusive Oprah Tour. It almost felt unbelievable. I am so excited to go teach, play and bath these little ones.  I am going to pack a brill-ow pad, a bottle of Clorox, some surgical gloves and go bananas!

The only school supplies are in the back right corner.
One bedroom school.

 Mommies that are waiting in front of the school.

Rows of shanty's where these people live....Unbelievable.
If any of you are interested in getting your Relief Society or Young Women involved contact me. I have learned their is so much we can do to help and our little effort goes far!


  1. Thanks Jamie for posting this. It is so sad but also good to see the reality of life for so many people. I feel humbled for being grumpy about my house being cluttered. I would love to help in my own small way....let us know what we can do! You have the Gourmet Divas at your service:)

  2. Brings tears to my eyes. I am sure it is very hard for you to see the poverty amongst these beautiful people. I am going to see what I can get going through our Relief Society or through our schools.
    Please send information of their greatest needs, etc. love you

  3. Holli would love to do something for YW. Let me know in what ways we can help!

  4. What an amazing experience, to get to help out in person! I wish I could come and bring my kids! Tonight for FHE we are going to read your blog and brainstorm ways to help!

    You are amazing!

  5. Milford Ward Primary is wants to make this our Service Project for the year. Melissa mentioned this at our presidency meeting. We think this would be an awesome opportunity for the kids. We tossed around several ideas of how we could help, but want to make sure it is what would be useful for the school. Our Big concern was how to get all the items back to the phillipines. Can you email me so we can talk specifics. We are ready to rock and roll on it. Cari the

    Isn't is so awesome to contribute some thing that seems so natural and normal for us as mothers?
