November 3, 2010

Brag Brunch

Me, Sister McAllister (RS president) Kim Morrison, Sister Ko, daughter Hye-won Ko, Robyn Anderson, Joan Gunnerson, and Sister Edwards
We had our first official Relief Society Brunch for our English Branch here in Makati. It was a nice, small gathering. I am a  embarrassed to admit that I felt a little star struck when Sister Ko and Sister Edwards walked in (General authority wives). I know, I know they are just normal people living normal lives....but  being in their presence you can really feel the spirit they bring with them, it is unique and powerful. We had a beautiful brunch and then Sister Ko and Sister Edwards shared some thoughts with us on sacrifice. I think what impressed me most, is that both sisters felt like that they really had not sacrificed anything because the Lord has blessed their lives so much. They shared how if anything, they felt  more in debt to our Savior because their lives have been so richly blessed. I felt a small, tad of shame when I thought of how I have grumbled over Trent leaving for early morning meetings, or Sunday afternoons with out him due to his different church callings.
What great examples these woman are to me. They are strong woman who sustain their husbands and are willing to follow them anywhere and everywhere on behalf of our Savior and their testimonies of the gospel. Man, I am feeling so spiritual, I better take a deep breath and calm down. It really was a special experience. For a minute, I had to stop and let it register that I really was in a sky rise apartment in the middle of Manila having brunch with remarkable women!


  1. You are so lucky to be having all these cool experiences. Is that wine you guys are drinking?

  2. I am so glad you are loving Philippines and I think you are great at supporting and sustaining your husband!

  3. You look beautiful! I am glad you are having such awesome experiences.
