December 11, 2010

Certified Soccer Mom

 It has finally happened.... I am now part of the Soccer Mom Club. I think the rights of passage must include: Must be willing to sit in one of those cool camp chairs (mine would be a piece of recycled plastic). Occasionally, try to catch a glimpse of the rock star child that is willing to play soccer for an hour 1/2  twice a week in the sticky HEAT (if you are not watching your kids in sticky heat, I question your Soccer Mom status.) But if were being honest, most of our time  is spent watching their siblings hit each other with sticks, dig in the dirt, and steal other children's books. I am so proud!


  1. Welcome to the club......I can honestly say that it only goes downhill from here. Although the few bright moments of watching your kids shine generally outweighs all the dirt, sun, and misery:)

  2. haha, now its your turn. eric says the shin guards go inside the socks, you may not know such things yet as you are new at the soccer mom thing. just kidding, my kids don't do sports much so each season i have to re learn things like they can't wear crocs. just kidding, eric also wants to know if you really qualify as a soccer mom if you have a driver, a maid, a nanny and a cook. i think yes. you have to sit in the heat, not the maid or the security guard. i love you and miss you and your kids look so hot in these pictures!

  3. Okay...I am a soccer nerd! My sister said "Hey Cool Soccer Mom, shin guards go underneath the socks!" Man, I thought I was so cool.
    I have to admit, sometimes when I am not feeling like being a cool mom I do send our helper to watch Syd but usually end up feeling bad and busting a move down to the field...nice to have options...lots of options!

  4. You are a trooper...and Little Sydney's face is so red and her hair, droopy with sweat. Tate also looks hot and Hey WHAT HAPPENED TO EMMY'S HAIR?
    I would love to see that picture of you as a brunette!
    By the way, tucked in one of the zipped pockets of my suitcase that Linda returned was Emmy's other birthday present and her Christmas present. :{ Love you!

  5. I thought the EXACT same thing as mom when I read this post- WHAT HAPPENED TO EMMY'S HAIR??" She looks like a newborn.
