December 14, 2010

Asian Dark

I know I joked about going "Asian Dark" while we were living here but don't worry this hair due was very short term. It might not look that bad...but do not be fooled, it was ridiculous. If I told you how much time and money I spent at salons this last week you might be cringing worse than I did although, I kind of doubt it. I decided to go somewhere "new" and closer to home (breaking all the cardinal rules of good hair). I had three different colors in just over a three hour time period... WHAT?  One of the shades was a McDonald's yellow, I made the poor Dora look alike stylist cry. (PS this "Dora" was actually a guy but totally could have passed for Dora). I started laughing (you know to hide the tears, he looked very hurt and confused). He said "Mam, please don't laugh!" I said in my nicest way, "Dude, you have all night to fix this but I can not leave looking like this." I am not sure why, but his lip started to quiver. I was being so nice so I am still at a loss why he had his feelings hurt. If any one had the right to cry it should have been me. Needless to say, by the end or our lovely time together,  I had him match my eyebrows and left it at that. It will be a long journey but I am trying to get my old look steps.


  1. Jamie!
    In Germany I was every color of the rainbow but mostly red (is red a color in a rainbow?) My German stylist (using that term very loosely) was insistent that only Swedes deserve to be blonds! Your haircut is very chic so that's a blessing. I had a mullet for quite a long time.
    I'm happy that you're loving your experience!

  2. Oh my heck! You look so cute, I think you look pretty with brown.

  3. I like it Jamie! At least you don't have to worry about roots.

  4. I like it! Now people won't believe that all those blonde kids are really yours (I know this from experience- they will think you're the nanny.)

  5. Seriously - you are a HOT brunette!! Oh my goodness. It looks totally awesome. You, my friend, could pull off anything. I say stick with the brown for awhile!!

  6. Jame Jame! I don't think blondes have more fun now. Now that you are a brunette, brownies have the upper hand on the fun scale! First you move to the Phillipines and now you are a darkie! What are you going to do next? :)

  7. I LOVE THE BROWN!!! KEEP IT!! I think it makes you look younger and think of all the money you will save!

  8. I love it too! You look beautiful and your face is so pretty and thin! You have a knack for awesome hair and so I think you are a great brownie or blondie! I miss you!

  9. Ditto to all of the above. It looks WAY cute!!

  10. I think you look beautiful...and quite sexy with that hair!
