July 10, 2010


These pictures are stretching back a few months, but looking at them made me smile. Remembering the Dentist telling me that Sydney had FIVE cavities can wipe the smile off my face pretty quick, especially because I feel like we are faithful brusher's.  We had such fun making her say silly things with her very numb face.

Sydney actually did pretty well for the time she had to spend in THE CHAIR. I told her, "Don't worry about it, you probably won't have to go back to the dentist in a really long time." She could come back to the states with a killer sweet smile! :)

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious!! She is such a cutie pie! We sure love your family :) Also, we set our blog to private. So will you send me your e-mail address and then I will invite you to read it still. Just send it to me at twinnerzz@hotmail.com and I will get you on our blog list! Thanx!
