July 17, 2010

Fourth of FIRE!

Yikes! We really had a "Banging" Fourth of July. It will be a year to remember for a few reasons. First, It was our last Fourth of July before our big adventure to the Philippines. My emotions kind of caught me off guard.  It was the little things like seeing our flag, singing anything regarding our country, even small town parades have made me a little teary.  I am feeling border line wacky patriot this year. NO WORRIES...I did not brake out my applique, patched Fourth of July vest. Next, and maybe the most memorable part of our Fourth of July, was attending the Pleasant Grove fire work show. Imagine, a pleasant Summer evening, the excitement that comes with any major firework hoopla. You know families piled on blankets and lawn chairs, the buzz of conversations just before it goes from dust to dark and then.....The fireworks begin. You here the oohing and aah-hing over each bright, colorful explosion. The next thing I know the happy family next to us has a ginormous firework going off in their laps. Instead of shooting vertical their was a crazy sidewinder that shot off into the crowd. Of course, mass panic sets in and families start retreating to the back of the football field. Luckily, no one was seriously hurt and it will now go down as a favorite or at least memorable Fourth of July celebration. We may have a hard time getting Tate to another firework show but nothing a New Years Eve celebration in the Philippines can't cure (or, so I hear.) We also had a great picnic up the canyon with the Savages. All in all, it was a wonderful day spent with our families.

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