July 1, 2010

Fish Lake

This pretty much sums up our trip to Fish Lake.....Chilly! If you know Trent very well, you know that Fish Lake is his most favorite place in the world. He has many childhood memories here which makes it a special place for him. Snow, sleet, hail or rain will not keep this fish crazed husband of mine from bundling up the toddlers and putting them on a fishing boat.

The pleasure of our trip was having Linda (Trent's Mom) join us. Unfortunately, it was short lived due to some health issues. Trent's brother Ty and Jen joined us as well and yes, it was for sure the high light of our trip. My sister in law maybe the funniest person I know and no one can make me laugh like her. I do not have many pictures so we will have to work with my limited camera shots.

 (Sabrina, Grandma Linda Loo, Jamie, Emmy)

We did take a short hike down by the lake which soon went from this (above) to this...
What a cool Daddy. 
Maybe one of my favorite shots of the trip is Sierra and Sydney eating Slim Jims. You know like, "step into my slim jim!" Wow, I always thought these were made up of  pretend meat that you could purchase at questionable gas stations. Sierra even went so far as to tie a spare to her pants 
"just in case."

Em and I spent a lot of time in the cabin, which I thought would be the perfect time to introduce Pop Rokcs. Thanks for the fun trip Ty, Jen and family it was great!

This is my really cute nephew Dalton, I told him if he would smile for the camera, I would make sure lots of cute girls saw his picture...never mind if they are all middle aged mommies.


  1. Brian LOVES Slim Jims. I used to like them until I got the flu after eating some. Now even the smell makes me nauseous. Hey, what e-mail do you want me to send my blog invite to?

  2. First of all - tell Dalton I think he's real cute but I'm already taken!! Second of all - how cute are your kids all bundled up in their life jackets out on the boat. I love it.
