April 10, 2013


Can life get any better?
I am pretty sure that the best day of Tate's life was the day that this little 
dude Max surprised Tate with a last minute trip to Seattle.  I wish I could
get the video clip to download, Max was standing in the front entry when Tate walked
in from School last Tuesday! Tate started laughing so hard and then face planted on to the wood floor.
That is what I call, a good surprise. My sister Mindy called Monday and said they were thinking a road
 trip to Washington sounded fun for Spring Break. Bring it on sister! I was a little shocked that they pulled an all nighter and got here Tuesday morning. Shocked and dang happy all at the same time!

 I can't imagine 13.5 hours  in a mini van with five kids
but if any one is up for the challenge it is the Smart crew. My kids treat  
Uncle Beetle like a fellow cousin not an Uncle. The guy is a blast and ALWAYS up for a party.

I could have pinched myself 100 times, a total treat to have my little sissy in the land of Washington with me. Look at her little Brigy PIG...13 months and still nursing. I like to tease her about it but she really is one of the best mommies I know. They were able to come and cheer for Tate at his first T-ball game!



  1. HA HA! We had so much fun, Thanks again for having us.

  2. How fun! Mindy said its beautiful where you live. Sounds like an awesome trip!
