March 23, 2011

Service a.m.

My niece Beth is AWESOME! She spent her past two year savings on a trip to the Philippines.  I hope she feels it was worth it. She was exposed to some big time third world love. I loved watching her reaction to everything she was able to experience while she was here. The coolest thing that Beth did was collect hygiene products from the states and share it with the Filipino people. Their are lots of eye opening things about living here, I am so proud of Beth and her willingness to serve these people with a smile.
My favorite was going to the orphanage, and holding these sweet babies...
Cassie's too.

We were also able to go visit the birthing center next to the orphanage where some (not all) of the kids come from. It was probably one of the most humbling experiences that I have ever had. It made me happy, really happy to be from America. This 17 year old Mommy let us come in and admire her new baby. It might seem a little invasive....but she seemed sincerely happy to have us there. She had no family close by and eight hours after delivery was required to leave the birthing center. This simple room where she delivered gave new meaning to "natural birth". I will never complain about my birthing experiences...again. 


  1. Hi!
    Are you sure Beth isn't yours? She's your 'mini-me'! You're going to want to bring those sweet brown-eyed babies home!

  2. What a cool thing to do! I think I would have a hard time not bringing all the babies home with me. What an awesome niece, I hope she ans your sister had a great trip.
