June 27, 2010

Swim Lessons

These are my sweet little faces of Summer and though it has been hard living like vagabonds, overall I think my kids are happy. Sure, their have been moments maybe even hours of absolute meltdown. To be honest, a few of their behaviors are making me question procreation in general and why we decided to move half way around the world. Through all of this, I have found that the best antidote for their tantrums and mine can usually be found at the PG Pool. Swim lessons have begun and they are loving it! So my children....
"Go, swim until you have sapped every last ounce of energy out of your little crazy bodies!"

We miss you DADDY! Please come home soon, so you to can enjoy the "cherubs"!


  1. I miss you babe! You all look great, thanks so much for your loving patience.

  2. aawww, we miss you guys! walter keeps asking when we are going to sydney's new house.

  3. I have to admit...I was blog stalking and came across yours! Are you REALLY in PG for a few months? And, are you really moving to the Philippines?? (I lived there for 4 months doing an internship and LOVED it. If you really are moving there, I'm so jealous! It is definitely a place I would love to live!! I have a good friend who lives there and can give you her contact info) I would love to get together with the girls for a 13 year HS reunion this summer!!
