June 22, 2010

Big Dad

I am so glad that I was able to be with my Dad on Fathers Day. He is truly one of the funniest, hardest working, most sincere people that I know. He has a special way for making people feel like they are all-right. Thanks to my big Dad for always making me laugh and always being supportive!
He can kind of get a little grumpy....
One thing that I can count on is that I know my Dad loves me. Here are a few reasons I think my Dad is so great.
 He is the best breakfast maker ever!
He is handy, he can pretty much fix/build anything!
He hikes Timp every year with our family. One year he hiked up with a lame ankle, I was so proud of him another cool thing about my Dad is you will never hear him whine.
When my Dad came to visit us in Ohio, he always stayed busy with projects around our house. He hung this super fly swing from our Ceder tree, not only did he hang the swing but he cut down any slightly hazardous limbs. After he observed how us "mid-westerners" water the lawn manually he concocted this sweet little sprinkling system for me so that I could water with a little more ease! I was for sure the envy of the neighborhood:)
The dude loves his overall bibs and his recently passed on weenie dog, Dilly. His favorite line to say to us girls was "Dilly is my favorite daughter!"(He is really sweet that way.)
 Grandpa George and Grandma Gaye, (the reason my Dad is so cool.)
I came home and saw Dad wedged on the airplane with a few of the grand kids. He loves his Grand babies!
My Dad had the opportunity to go back to school, he has been a great example of persistence. On top of his job and church calling he has been plugging away at his schooling for the past couple of years and will graduate next Spring with his bachelors degree. He is planning on working 
on his Masters next. 
I am so proud of my Dad and I love and admire the man he is.


  1. Great post Jamie, all of it is so true, you have some great pics.

  2. You made me cry! What a beautiful tribute to your dad! He is so well rounded! The overalls, the fix-it qualities, doing homework in his apron, the squished airplane. We could really use a grandpa...is he for rent?
