May 6, 2009

Tatey Turns Two!

TATE, our thirty pounds of love. Even though he far prefers "Dadda",  my motherly  obligation is to pay this little maniac a Birthday tribute. So Tate, here is what your Mamma loves most about you!

that I (pretty much) get to be the one to get you out of your cage every morning. Your Dad and I have found this cute little "Tater" smell that permeates your bedroom. Kind of a mixture of maple syrup and fruit loops (weird.)
your big blues.
your mouth full of teeth, except when they give Syd nibbles (who am I kidding with nibbles?)
that you can hang with Momma's tunes in the car- you have got some mad moves!
that 90% of the day you have a smile.
that you adore Sydney, even though she gives you a daily beating.
that you are so sweet with Emmy or "EE-EEY".
that we have to buy you extra wide shoes (meet Fred Flintstone)
I love that you think your "Dadda" is a rock star!
I love that you are strong minded (even though this has caused some major embarrassing public moments.)
I mostly love that you have came to us with a sweet, content natural disposition.

 A few of his favorite things.....probably in this order!

Tate loves being outside. Check out those Walmart- Crocs they lasted about one week. Here is what is left of them.....

Birthday Pics...

"Princess in Training"...
This is the price you pay for being smashed between the sist'as!


  1. Happy Birthday, little man! I thought of you yesterday - woohoo birthday twins!

    ps - i am so glad to see that tate dresses up. makes me feel better about my little princess in training ;)

  2. I love Tater-Tot, just looking at him makes me laugh. Those Wal-mart crocs are awesome!
