May 29, 2009


Where's Emmy? It is a new game we have been playing at our house, it goes something like this; I will head to Tate's room (Emmy in arms) to get him out of his crib. I put Emmy on the floor (usually with a toy she is no longer interested in) while I help Tate out of his crib. Then "Thor" or Syd will shout out some command, usually a "WIPE MEEEE!" I dash down the hall to meet her needs only to find thirty distractions along the way, you know the usual; Four year old art work on the wall,  piles of dirty laundry mixed with piles of clean laundry, the "hmm....what am I going to make for lunch, dinner,  slow down-try breakfast?" Tate- chasing me down the hall, with one of his shoes and one of Syds, yelling "OUT-SIIIDE!" "Mom, when are you going to wipe me?" By the time I actually get to Sydney she has gotten bored with waiting and is on top of the bathroom counter making faces in the mirror. It is about this time that it dawns on me that we have three kids.
Wait! Where's Emmy? This is the part where I start running like a chicken with my head cut off trying to remember where I last stashed the baby. I am pretty sure the reason Emmy is so easy going is because she is use to being left to fend for herself (well, not entirely but close.) The kid seldom makes a squawk and I dig her.  She is the secret sauce to our family and EVERYONE loves her. These pics are titled "ODE TO THE EMMY!" 


  1. Jamie-I love this ode to Emmy, she is so darn cute and growing up so much! I can't wait to see her and get to know her little personality.

  2. she is so dang cute - who could not love her?

  3. hi aunt jamie!! me and tess were just looking at your blog and we absolutly love to look at your blog!! emmy is just so darn cute i cant wait to see her and everyone else!
