May 10, 2009

Pass the Tissue...or NOT!

  You know it is time for intervention when you want to go to your four year olds 1 hour school program just to get a little break from the two other little "lovely's" at home. I decided that I would make my first official "Mother's Day Tea Party" an all afternoon event and really give Syd some great one on one time.  So here is how it goes down,

"Sweet", you say to yourself; "she made her mom a cute bag". She threw it at my feet and looked at me like, "Pick it up Fool!" And then she was off, to prepare for the main event, the much awaited singing program.

Do not be deceived, Sydney is not singing, she is pretty much mouthing the words at best and to a different Mom.

"hmmm....these flip flops are cute"

Imagine this, Moms crying on both side of me because their first borns are out their singing their little hearts out. I go through this little debate with myself trying to decide if I should fake cough and in the act, take my pointer finger and give my eye a good gouge to produce some kind of tearing up action OR should I do the pretend dab with a wadded up wet wipe and give Syd the fake proud frown? 
I went with the fake proud frown, so did Syd.

My favorite part of the whole day is when the kids sang "You Are My Sunshine", not because Syd actually sang it but because I could not think of a more fitting song from my Sydney!

1 comment:

  1. You are funny. Love the fake proud frown. And I wish I could have been there to do it with you:)
