May 25, 2012

School Wrap Up!

Syd throwing down some serious hokey pokey~Dance Festival
 I feel like I am officially part of the "Mom Team"!
I have always looked at Mom's and thought, why are they acting 
so busy? What do they have going on in life that isn't sweeping up 
a few cheerios and looking forward to "play dates" just to get some adult
conversation. Okay, and maybe juggling a few doctor appointments. 
I think I get it now that we have three kids in school/preschool. 
I keep hearing how crazy the month of May is, I am a believer. 
I have ran from one event to the next. I kind of feel cool, like, look at me so supportive, what a rad Mom-Yeah!
And then I come home to our house that has not had much attention and I am reminded that I am
not the rock star that I thought. Dang. 
BUT who cares because,
I am totally apart of the "Mom Team,"
Rock on Moms!

Kids Village Graduation, 
 loved seeing the kiddies in their cap and gowns.
The two best parts of their big day was watching Tate walk
the red carpet. He was smiling so big he did not see the 
microphone pole and went over the top of it. 
Tate, you are RAD.
The next best part was watching Emmy flip her tassel 
in circles during their whole entire singing program. I am pretty sure
I could hear her giggling over the singing.
Thanks for keeping it FUN Emmy.
Tate & Mrs. Korbi

Our little graduate

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