January 24, 2012

Closet Sleepers and Healthy Dinners!

My January blog posts always seem like I am grasping at straws for 
entertainment around here. We pretty much go into hibernation mode, so 
here are a few of the latest and greatest for  the January-blah.
I found our kids crashed out in Em's closet, way rad! 
I don't even have to make beds in the 
Healthy Shoell Sunday....that's right healthy and Shoell
in the same sentence.
It comes with the "New Year",  these healthy goal
challenges we decide to take on.
Here are a few snap shots of our
"Healthy Sunday dinner", not everyone loved my idea of 
tons of veggies, little meat.
My Dad kept saying, "Is this some kind of sick joke?"
 Of course my Sis loved it!

Ryan is smiling but he was just being nice, I am pretty sure
I heard things like a "Wendy's run" under his breath.
Despite the grumbles we made it through!
Stay tuned for more, "January is fabulous"and man
would I hate to be on a beach in South East Asia-updates.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting me back in the Savage Family "Circle of Trust." :)
