May 18, 2010

Tater Totty

Our little Tater turned three! However in his world he is still two (I would not recommend trying to convince him other wise, unless of course your ailing for a little toddler verbal abuse ex. "You Poopy, Pee Pee,Bum  Bum, Momma!). It hurts. I do love my Tater even though I still rank number 3 or 4 on the list of people he would choose to have console him. Here are a few snap shots of our BOY!

Here is one for cuteness sake! Tate, you really are one of the most content kids I know. You were a darling, chubby baby, and have turned into a "spicy" little Three year old!    (4.5 months)

He is kind of going through that "not natural smile" stage.
Unfortunately, Tate and Emmy do not always jive the best together but I did manage to snap a cute photo of Emmy sharing her coco puffs with the Birthday Boy!
And the winner is.....

DADDY! Yep, Tate is still the happiest if Daddy is with in reach. Trent is the first person he looks for every morning, the person who he wants to tell if "mommy is not being nice"and the one he wants to snuggle with when he is in need of comfort. 
I can not really blame him, Trent is a really cute Dad and I know he loves his little boy!

and the Grande Finale is....

Tate, thinks he is Buzz Light Year. He has pretty much worn these wings every ware. They have made trips to Costco, Target, and Syd's preschool. One day Buzz engaged in battle, needless to say he came in to the kitchen with a pretty good wound to his upper ear lobe. When I tried to help him take of his wings I heard this death cry, wondering "had he hurt more than his ear and space pride?"I soon realized that the Dude was having melt down at the very thought of being parted from his space wings. Sorry Buzz, no harm meant.  We love you Tate!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! I LOVE that kid, and I love, love, love, the wings.
