May 8, 2010

Pirate Party-Momma's Day!

Grandma Gaye can throw a killer pirate party!
No one can "ARRRGGHHH MATEY" like my kids, even Em is marching around our house Arrgghing! My Mom made pirate flags, treasure maps and hats for the kids and they tromped around our backyard looking for treasure. Needless to say they came back with some serious loot!  I have had horrible allergies this Spring and  have not been able to take my kids outside to enjoy the awesome weather, It was so fun for them and me, THANKS MOM!


  1. Hey Jamie! Just catching up on all your many posts. First, what an awesome trip! I'm glad you got to have a little calm before the storm. And the pirate pics are priceless. Oh those lips!

  2. Jamie, Your kids are so cute. They are growing up so fast. Your Mom is so cute with them. What a darling pirate day they had. She does the funest things. Benson is still ticked at me for not coming up with more pirate stuff for his birthday. I can't compete.
