January 1, 2015

New Tradition...maybe?

We thought it would be fun to make a new tradition and take the kids
to a "nice" dinner over the Christmas break. I chose the Melting Pot thinking the kids
would love it. It was probably two hours too long for the littles. The forks were used as weapons most
of the time, luckily we all came out with our vision and only a few scratches. Finley hated the whole entire experience, screamed for 90% of our evening (the spirit was felt through out the restaurant). 
Trent was nice and did baby duty why I tried to man the cooking station. 
Let's just say it will be a few years before we take on the Melting Pot for a dinner tradition.
We ended our night with a drive to see a die hard Sea Hawks fans Christmas lights.
Way crazy. Way worth it.

Getting ready to blow.

Griswolds got nothing on this family.

You could walk threw their house to see a Christmas village set up with a train going through their house.
I wanted a picture of this guy eating his pizza while strangers walked around his house...weird.

We couldn't endure the melting Pot any longer. We had a nice server that
sent home desert. She probably wanted us out as much as we wanted to leave.
Sydney's favorite part was the chocolate. Thank you Melting Pot.
Here's to new traditions....I think.

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