April 10, 2010

Philippines- "To Be or Not to Be?"

Okay, so we made the long flight  to check out the Philippines and....We survived our very third world visit! I may have done overload with our pics but this will give you an idea of what we did in a quick three days.

We stayed in a beautiful Hotel called the Peninsula. My favorite part was the breakfast, we had sushi every morning, Sushi...yeah, I know! They also have crazy amounts of mango's. Oh My Gosh,  it was awesome! That little speckled fruit there is called dragon fruit,  it is suppose to be good for your skin, I am sure you will notice a huge difference in my skin tone. They also served a different juice every morning they called it a "morning refresher",  this one is a ginger- grapefruit (Unheard of- Good).

While we were there our guide, Dornet (I had to keep saying to myself Door Net) showed us the schools, stores and different areas that we may be interested in living. This is a picture of one of the preschools we stopped by to check out for Tate. The schools are kind of funky they are just open, kind of like a covered patio.

I am pretty sure I have never seen grilled shrimp Pringles! The cool thing was/is you can pretty much get anything American, with the exception of Diet Mt. Dew. (I am still not getting over that.)

Notice anything missing? I could not find the toilet paper either. I was wondering if I should go with the drip dry method when I figured out they keep the toilet paper out by the sink.  I guess your suppose to grab a swatch before you head in to worship. Don't plan on parking it too long!

We also went and checked out vehicles. Look at this bad boy...the E150. I made a crack about it being for the "special kids", that is when I realized that Asians do not understand sarcasm. Hmmm....Who knew! (guide-Dornet)
 All of the Philippino's know the "Mormon's church", It is really pretty and we are looking forward to living a little closer to a temple.
This is Jerry, our guide's driver. He was so nice and always had a big smile, even though it was 95 degrees outside. I felt like he could be Beetles (brother in-law) "brother from another mother!"They also recommended that Trent do all of his shopping in the US. I wonder why?
                                                       Front Entry

We were not planning on leasing a home during this trip, because we still have a few moths before we will be out there but we came across this house and the timing works out with the tenants who are occupying right now. We put a offer in, so we will wait and see what happens, here are a few pics:
                                                 Back Yard

            More Back Yard
          The french doors open up all around the family room during the cooler season or should I say less hot season?   

                     Family Room
     Master Bedroom                         

                                                         Upstairs Hallway

                                               Kitchen (not way exciting but it will work)
                                            Pool looking out from dining and family room area

                        This is pulling up to the front of the house, probably not the best shot but an idea

                                                           Skyline of Makati

All in all, we had a great trip and it was a good eye opener for me to see how blessed we are. The Philippino people seem so incredibly happy for not having  a lot. My favorite part was just seeing how other people live, their lifestyle, food oh, yeah and the way they drive... Trent and I are looking forward to accepting this job offer,  and  we  think that it will be an adventure to say the least!

I am so looking forward to "date night" in this pretty little hot rod!


  1. Jamie, I loved all of those pictures! and I am sure Beetle will love them too. The house looks so nice, we are excited for you guys.

  2. Jaime I don't know where to begin. First, the house is awesome. That back yard looks so fun to hang out in. Second, where did you find a public toilet that nice. That is like 10 times nicer than any public toilet i have ever seen there. Third, after seeing the pic of the shopping mart I could almost smell the laundry detergent isle. I loved walking down that isle, the smell is so strong. Fourth, The trike is awesome, I hope you guys take your family on a family trike ride from time to time.time. These pictures make me so excited to come visit you. Although, only a few of them reflect the Philippines I know they bring back a lot of good memories.

  3. The house is beautiful...wow you'll be living the luxurious life with a swimming pool and all! I am so excited for you and your fun adventure...you are so lucky and it will go by so fast! We will miss you immensely, but are happy for you! I hope we can come see you sometime!

  4. ahh thats an awesome looking house! thats so kool theres a swimming pool! i hope you guys all like living there! ill miss you! (even though i dont see you much now and i miss you now i will still miss you in philipines!) p.s. i dont know how to spell the place your moving to!

  5. so i think that you will be lonely in that house, so i think that you should plan on us coming and visiting you. :) You are going to have so much fun there
