October 21, 2009

Fall in Ohio

One of my favorite things about Ohio is the Fall Season. The grass stays so beautiful and green and the leaves turn the vibrant colors of red,yellow and orange. We have had a fun filled couple of months. Hope you enjoy!

Turner Farm

Turner Farm is a working farm, the kids got to pull turnips, feed the sheep and pigs. The high light of the day was riding around the property in a horse drawn wagon and picking out our pumpkins.


Tate was a little frog, Emmy a fat little chicken and Syd was a fairy.

(This is not a Halloween picture...but, it scared me)
Daddy daughter Pumpkin Carving Night

Blooms and Berries
Preschool trip
Sydney is always about finding the smallest pumpkin possible.
Check this red neck slide out....
Blooms and Berries had all sorts of cute little activities for the kids. They also had this random out house setup (I am not sure what this has do do with Halloween but it is kind of funny.) I noticed that some of the preschoolers moms were giggling at the outhouse but no one seemed to be letting their little kids venture too near.
I am not sure I will make "Preschool Mom Coolness" for this BUT it did make Sydney very happy.

1 comment:

  1. hmm... the AM-ers must be weak! For the PM field trip, we were putting the kids IN the outhouse so it looked like those were their legs. my picture came out too blurry so i never posted it.
